Storytelling Festival goes on the Air

The Sierra Storytelling Festival will be on KVMR- this year only!

Every Summer, for the past 35 years, the sloping lawn of the North Columbia Schoolhouse has filled with people from near and far, for the Sierra Storytelling Festival- a fun filled weekend of gathered community, delicious snacks and warm breezes, and of course, stories.

This year, as you know, everything is different, but we still want to tell you stories!

We think stories are important- they transport us to another time and space, they bind us together in a shared experience, they teach us and make us care about people we’ve never met and places we’ve never been. Storytelling is an ancient art form where all you need is an imagination and an ear or two!

This year we’ve condensed the 3 day festival into 2 full hours packed with a variety of stories that you can listen to from the comfort of your own home-on KVMR.


Please tune in on Sunday, July 19th.


 2-3pm we will bring a fun and playful collection of stories geared for children and the young at heart in the tradition of our Children’s Concert.

 8-9pm esteemed Storytelling stars who have graced the Schoolhouse stage in the past will delight you with tall tales and true stories- just like an evening at the festival.



Please Donate to the Festival Here and receive a Master Storyteller’s Album!