Fungus Foray presented by YWI | Saturday, December 21, 2014

Join the Yuba Watershed Institute on Saturday, December 21, for a mushroom field course at the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center. This traditional Saturday morning wild mushroom hunt will wrap up with an afternoon of identification workshops. Useful items to bring include a collection basket, waxed paper bags, knife, camera, and hand lens.
9 a.m. to 4p.m.
Registration begins at 8:30
$20 general, $18 for YWI members
Children under 18 free

On Sunday, December 22, YWI continues the fun at the Miners Foundry with a day celebrating the wild mushroom with fungi-related food, education, and merchandise. The Sunday Exposition in Nevada City is packed with lectures, displays, and workshops based on our seasonal Sierra mushrooms. Wild-crafted food concessions and mushroom merchandise will be available for sale. The lecture series will be posted online as it is finalized.

2013 Fungi flyer Final